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Exercise To Go (Assessment)

Do you have pain when you workout? Unsure where to go and what the next step is? Ask our Therapist about "anything exercise." What exercise you need to do with your condition, pain, discomfort or how to progress a certain exercise. Wether you are an athlete, a weight lifter, a runner or just plain exercising from home. We will perform a very important first step of assessment of your posture, muscle imbalance and potential sources of pain that impacts your success if applicable. We will then make recommendations on what the best custom exercise is for you and your needs. This is either a 3 exercise or a 5 exercise install. We will send the exercise via a video or a PDF format. This program is great for the busy individual who wants to be active and yet short on time. The one who does not want repeat visits to the clinic. Exercise installs are not included with this price.

$95 · 30 minutes

PT Session (30 min)

It is anything treatment for pain relief, postural retraining and exercises. We will perform procedures pertinent to your needs and issues. It may be a combination of exercises, manual therapy, graston, IASTM or soft tissue oscillation to name a few. We will determine the most appropriate treatment course of action. (For new clients, you will need to have an PT consult first before you can book this).

$82.50 · 30 minutes

Manual Stretch

Use of hands on techniques to increase joint mobility, muscle flexibility, postural correction, increase muscle function, decrease tightness and pain. It will also help improve function and movement.increase tissue mobility, decrease adhesions and increase blood flow. This is good for sore muscles, tight muscles, aches and pain after a hard workout, or just plain discomfort. (20 min)

$60 · 20 minutes

Massage Express (30 Min)

Use of hands on technique by the clinician to perform soft tissue work to decrease tightness, spasms and trigger points. This will help increase blood blow and helps with recovery time. This is good for soreness, pain and tightness. Great for muscle strain and muscle spasm. Also good for just relaxing the tight muscles as well.

$82.50 · 30 minutes

PT Session (20 min)

One on one time with PT. It is anything you want done like assessment for injury, treatment session for pain, postural assessment, questions regarding exercises, performance or things that slow you down when performing, lifting or sports activities. For the well informed, you may already know what you want done as you have had success in the past like IASTM, Graston Technique, manual techniques, cupping, ultrasound or soft tissue oscillation. You just tell us what you want or you can ask us what is best for you. (For new clients, you will need to have an PT consult first before you can book this).

$60 · 20 minutes

Graston Technique

Use of a patented metal tool which is a form of instrument assisted mobilization. This is more of a specialized form of massage. This enables the clinician assess for scar tissue and helps break them up. This is also great for restarting healing process especially for chronic issues. Great for elbowing tendinitis, patellar tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. This great also for weight lifters to help break down scar tissue and in combination with stretching is good for the proper laying down of muscle fibers.

$60 · 20 minutes


It stands for Instrument Assisted Soft tissue Mobilization. Use of a metal tool when performing tissue mobilization. This is more of a specialized form of massage. This enables the clinician assess for scar tissue and helps break them up. This is also great for restarting healing process especially for chronic issues. Great for elbowing tendinitis, patellar tendinitis and plantar fasciitis. This great also for weight lifters to help break down scar tissue and in combination with stretching is good for the proper laying down of muscle fibers.Use of a metal tool to help and assist in tissue healing. Good for chronic and nagging issues like tendinitis in the knee, shoulder and elbow area. Good also for muscle spasm.

$60 · 20 minutes

Competitive Edge Program Assessment

A thorough assessment of your young athlete's (ages 8-16) mobility, stability, balance, strength, posture alignment, speed, coordination, agility and muscle imbalance. Then we will create a plan to address the issues, deficits, imbalance as this helps build the athletic foundation. Building this foundation will help decrease risk for injuries and increase the ceiling for performance abilities. We will help train the athlete then coach them, give the custom homework, warm up, progression to be the best they can be.

$95 · 30 minutes

Fitness Assessment Consult

A thorough assessment of an individual’s mobility, stability, balance, strength, coordination and postural alignment. Then we will have a plan to address these deficits and train these areas. This will help build the right foundation for activity, decreasing the risk for injury and flare ups of old nagging problems. This is great for the 1) sedentary that wants to start being active again but old or new pain show up (knee pain and back pain), 2) person that has medical issues that the physician wants them to start being active again but do not know where to start or 3) the former sports athlete (runner, ball player) that starts having some nagging issues that keeps them from performing as good as they once did. Great for re starting former athletes, runners and even adults that wants to start being active again.

$95 · 30 minutes

Injury Assessment

This is an assessment performed by a Physical Therapist. It is a quick on spot assessment for musculoskeletal injuries.We will assess, ligaments, joint integrity and muscle integrity. The Physical Therapist will help provide options including referrals, or proceed with a treatment care plan.

$82.50 · 30 minutes

PT Consult

This is a quick visit with your physical therapist for pain, injury, discomfort or even just to see if physical therapy is right for you. for the established client, this could be a consult time regarding questions with your home work, home exercises, flare up plan and even how to progress your current plan..

$95 · 30 minutes

Arash Hojatizadeh, DPT
Gabriella Concavage- Nasar, DPT

Gabriella started here at A. Yumang Rehab Services Nov of 2020. She loves sports related injuries and treating these type of orthopedic cases. She has played volleyball for over 15 years all the way to collegiate level. She was also a triathlete through junior high and high school. She still plays competitive sand volleyball.

Ray A. Yumang, PT

Ray has been a Physical Therapist for 30 years. He has been in private practice for 20 years. He is also a licensed massage therapist. He is trained in special procedures like Graston Technique and dry needling. Manual Techniques include Maitland approach and myokinesthetic (MYK) approach to name a few. Ray is an avid musician and with talented kids in music. He wants to focus on patient first and getting them to achieve highest level of activity, function and abilities.

Rush Hemphill, III. DPT, CSCS