How Square Helped Honey & Co. Expand and Refine Operations

Honey & Co. started life in 2012 as a tiny 10-table restaurant on London’s Warren Street. A labour of love for its founders Sarit Packer and Itamar Srulovich, the restaurant’s delectable Middle Eastern food and warm welcome earned a loyal clientele of repeat customers. A little over a decade later, Honey & Co. encompasses five locations all over London, including restaurants and delis, and the married duo have released four cookbooks.

We talked to front-of-house managers Joe Sledmere and Tabitha Longden to get their perspective on the restaurant’s phenomenal growth, and how Square’s restaurant solutions have helped the thriving brand overcome the challenges it encountered on its journey.

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Square products used by Honey & Co.

Using Square to free up time and reduce human error

Honey & Co. has a presence in several very popular locations throughout London, enjoying a great deal of foot traffic. The brand’s popularity creates numerous operational challenges for its staff. Both front-of-house and back-of-house operations need to be running smoothly in order to keep up with customer demand. Fortunately, Square’s seamless integrations help operations to keep pace with customer demand and help the team focus on delivering excellent service even during busy times.

“Everything being streamlined and integrated as it is, it really frees up our time”

- Joe Sledmere, front-of-house manager Honey & Co

Tabitha told us that Square’s dual-screen Square stand also helps to reduce human error as customers can see exactly what they’re paying for, limiting the impact of refunds on cash flow.

“Having those items working together eliminates so much confusion and so many mistakes”

- Tabitha Longden, front-of-house manager Honey & Co
  • Keeping track of customer preferences: Like all busy restaurants, Honey & Co.’s locations need to keep track of which items are popular with customers and which are sitting on the shelf and potentially impeding cash flow. Fortunately, Square’s rigorous reporting takes the guesswork out of inventory management and ensures that the menu is always aligned with what sells. “If we make more of what’s selling well, we keep the customers happy and we are wasting less in the kitchens,” said Tabitha “We know what’s working with our menu, what to add to the list, and what not to bother adding to the list again.”

  • Managing multiple locations: Ensuring a consistent customer experience across multiple sites is no mean feat. Fortunately, Honey & Co.’s teams have access to a centralised data hub so that they can get a holistic view of the restaurants’ performance across multiple locations. As Tabitha told us: “We’re working between all of the different venues. If one of the sites needs help with something, we can usually resolve it without having to actually be there. So now as the business has grown and expanded and the more locations we have, we can kind of see everything in one place most of the time. I think that’s really useful.”

Ease of use

Joe and Tabitha told us that one of the most appealing facets of Square’s restaurant POS is its simple and intuitive interface. Not only are front-of-house staff able to “pick up and play” with Square POS, the duo felt that the back-of-house interface was equally intuitive. While they told us that they usually reserve staff training for quiet moments, there was very little need for staff training with Square.

Joe told us that front-of-house teams have compared Square POS favourably to other systems that they had used previously “New starts in front-of-house actually comment on how Square is so much easier to use than what they used at their last place”

“A lot of places are still using very old systems on computer monitor screens with quite convoluted till systems which go down all the time. Whereas with the Square, the menu format is just so easy to use. I think if you left someone for 15 minutes they would figure it out very quickly.”

- Joe Sledmere, front-of-house manager Honey & Co

Square’s impact on business operations

There’s no denying that Honey & Co. has experienced phenomenal growth since the first location on Warren Street opened its doors in 2012. Let’s take a look at how Square’s suite of restaurant solutions has had a positive impact on the brand’s operations and aided in its ongoing success.

Improved planning and reduced waste

Honey & Co.’s phenomenal growth is built not just on increased revenues, but improved operational efficiency. Waste and inefficiencies can stymie cash flow and impede growth, especially in the restaurant space where margins are notoriously lean.

Fortunately, Square’s intuitive reporting allows teams to allocate resources and plan dishes more efficiently, improving the value proposition for the customer while increasing operational efficiency. Tabitha told us that every day’s reporting informs menu planning for the following day. This information can be used to plan seasonal menus and ensure that customers get more of what they want while the brand saves money on food and drink items that are unlikely to sell.

The duo told us that Square’s reporting also helps guide staff training, encouraging them to present high-value items that may not be selling as well as possible in a more inviting way, potentially increasing revenues.

Improved customer experience

Needlessly complicated restaurant POS systems can be an impediment to outstanding customer service. When front-of-house teams grapple with complex hardware and software it pulls their focus away from the interpersonal skills that make for a great customer experience.

Joe and Tabitha explained to us that the intuitive nature of Square’s POS allowed team members to concentrate more on delivering the warm, friendly experience on which Honey & Co.’s reputation was built.

Improved employee experience

Square’s intuitive interface doesn’t just enhance the customer experience. It also makes shifts easier and more enjoyable for staff. Joe and Tabitha stressed to us the importance of managing time effectively. By improving operational efficiency, the team are able to maximise downtime and create more quiet moments in which to provide staff with the training and guidance they need to excel, earn great tips and grow professionally.
The future is looking bright for Honey & Co. But what could Square do to benefit your business operations? Get in touch today to see how Square’s business solutions can help your team improve operational efficiency, generate additional revenue and aid growth.

Big In Restaurants

We’re Square. And We’re Big in Restaurants.