Book an appointment

First Appointment [In-Office] - Naturopathic

60-minute first office appointment with Dr. Castanho, ND. The first office visit reviews all symptoms, provides dietary and nutritional recommendations, may provide supplement recommendations, and provides a blood work form to be completed according to your presentation.

$300 · 1 hour

First Appointment [Virtual] - Naturopathic

60-minute virtual first appointment with Dr. Castanho, ND. The first office visit reviews all symptoms, provides dietary and nutritional recommendations, may provide supplement recommendations, and provides a blood work form to be completed according to your presentation.

$300 · 1 hour

Second Appointment [Virtual] - Naturopathic

30 minute Second Appointment [Virtual] to review lab work and tailor a supplement protocol. The second visit analyzes your lab work, explains the connection with your symptoms, provides all relevant education, and custom tailors a supplement protocol to balance hormones, treat nutrient deficiencies, and correct any metabolic abnormalities.

$175 · 30 minutes

Second Appointment [In-Office] - Naturopathic

30 minute Second Appointment to review lab work and tailor a supplement protocol. The second visit analyzes your lab work, explains the connection with your symptoms, provides all relevant education, and custom tailors a supplement protocol to balance hormones, treat nutrient deficiencies, and correct any metabolic abnormalities.

$175 · 30 minutes

Follow-Up Appointment [In-Office] - Naturopathic

30 minutes return office visit to evaluate symptomatic resolution, modify supplement protocol, and assess new areas of focus. Follow-ups ensure maintenance of optimal health through modifications to your supplement regimen, diet, and lifestyle. Further blood work and other testing may be performed.

$125 · 30 minutes

Virtual Appointment - Naturopathic

Virtual / Phone appointments are provided to those who wish to consult via telephone or Zoom due to proximity constraints. Fees vary depending on stage of appointment - first, second, or followup.

Price Varies · 30 minutes

Dr. Matthew Castanho, ND