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Customized Signature Facial- A deep cleansing and exfoliating facial for your specific skin care needs with extractions. Followed with a relaxing massage, a mask is applied that will either purify, nourish, or hydrate. Your treatment concludes with a deep penetrating ultrasound technology that is toning, repairing, and promoting skin renewal. ** A consultation/health history and facial resurfacing consent forms must be submitted prior to your appointment. E-forms are located on our web-page

$95 · 1 hour

Tweeze brows

$15 · 30 minutes

Dermaplaning Facial

$130 · 1 hour 30 minutes


$140 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Lira Pure Peel

Level 2 peel medium depth. No downtime with minimal flaking.

$165 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Mini facial

an express facial, deep cleansing, exfoliation treatment, and mask

$65 · 30 minutes


Microdermabrasion Facial- An advance exfoliating resurfacing facial that combines both superficial chemical exfoliation with mechanical exfoliation. Followed by extraction, massage, mask, and ultrasound. ** this service isn't recommended for clients with broken capillaries or Rosacea ** Consultation/Health history and Microderm consent forms must be submitted prior to appointment. E-forms are located on web-page

$130 · 1 hour

Back facial

A relaxing deep cleansing treatment, impurities are extracted, luxurious massage and a therapeutic mask.

$125 · 1 hour

Brow wax

** customers using night time exfoliating (Retinol, glycolic, sal, lactic) creams must stop using 1 week prior to service

$15 · 15 minutes

Lip wax

** all night time exfoliating products ( retinol, glycolic. sal. and lactic acids must be discontinued 1 week prior to waxing service

$15 · 15 minutes

Chin wax

** customers using night time exfoliating products (retinol, glycolic, sal and lactic) must stop 1 week prior to service

$15 · 15 minutes

Face wax

Full face includes forehead, cheeks, lip and chin. ** all night time exfoliating products must be discontinued 1 week prior to appointment.**

$50 · 30 minutes

Arm wax

$50 · 30 minutes

Eye brow tint

$25 · 30 minutes

Lash tint

$25 · 30 minutes

EBSR Get glowing peel

This is not to be confused with the advanced EBSR Peel. The Micro-Peel was created for the client who cannot afford the down time of the Elaine Brennan Skin Renewal Peeling as well as for clients looking for a less expensive option. What prevents me from being a candidate for this peel? Herpes simplex/cold sores/ fever blisters or a history thereof unless taking an antiviral medication. Severe cold or flu symptoms Allergy to Resorcinol or Salicylic Acid (Aspirin) Open wounds or lesions Pregnant or nursing women Accutane for the past 6-12 months Sunburn, allergy, use of tanning bed Cancer or patients using chemotherapy drugs, patients undergoing radiation and patients with an autoimmune disease. Will you experience any downtime? For approximately one week following the procedure, the skin will undergo a renewal process, lightly shedding its dead outer layer. Depending on the skin, you may or may not experience peeling. If peeling occurs, it usually begins four to five days following the treatment and lasts fo

$165 · 1 hour 15 minutes

Jessner peel

Jessner is a medium depth peeling solution that self neutralizes causing the deconstruct the top-most layer of the skin and, in turn, triggers an inflammatory response. This topical peeling solution leads to the removal of actinic keratoses (pre-cancerous sun damage) and the improvements acne, hyper-pigmentation, scarring, wrinkles, and elasticity. It is recommended to do a series of peels 6 to 8 weeks apart for optimal results. As the skin tolerates the peeling process more layers can be add **Pricing starts at $90.00 and goes up by number of layers applied ** consent form must be sent prior to appointment. E-form are located on web-page

$160 · 30 minutes

TCA peel

TCA peels are a medium depth cosmetic peel treatment that uses trichloroacetic acid (TCA) to improve your skins over all appearance. ... A TCA peel removes dead skin cells and stimulating new skin cell growth. TCA peel results produce all over glowing younger looking skin, it is beneficial in treating certain skin conditions, like melasma and acne scarring It is recommended to do a series of peels for optimal results 6 to 8 weeks apart. As the skin tolerates the peeling process more layers can be added ** pricing starts at $135 and increases with the number of layers ** consent for must be sent prior to appointment

$135 · 30 minutes


non surgical face lift that re educated the facial muscles. The benefits of Micro-current Builds ATP in the skin Diminished appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Improved muscle tone in face and neck. Improved circulation. Cleared up or reduced acne. Lift of jowls and eyebrows. Lymphatic drainage. Sun damage treatment. Skin pigment improvement.

$50 · 30 minutes

LED treatment

Celluma LED light Therapy! Celluma is the only all-in-one low-level light therapy device designed to manage a variety of pain, inflammation,anti-aging and acne. Cleared by the FDA for pain management and skin care, Celluma uses light energy to improve cellular health by repairing and replenishing compromised tissue cells, while building ATP within the skin. LED Therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment, which requires no recovery time, and can be used on all skin types. *** The light is very bright!! *** It is not recommend for people with a history seizures, if you are pregnant and epilepsy, photo-allergy, or take any most common medications that cause light sensitivity like Tetracycline, doxycycline, nalidixic acid, voriconazole, amiodarone, hydrochlorothiazide, naproxen, piroxicam, chlorpromazine and thioridazine,steroids or cortisone injections, you should not receive light therapy. ** Most effective if it is done in a series ***package pricing available upon request

$25 · 30 minutes


Patricia Kenny