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Basic Yoni Steam

Yoni Steaming is used to cleanse your vaginal area from unwanted symptoms associated with periods such as bloating, exhaustion, cramps, heavy menstrual flow and irregular periods. It has also been used to increase fertility, help alleviate symptoms of menopause and to promote healing after childbirth

$35 · 20 minutes

Basic Yoni Steam For 2

Bring you and a guest and steam together.

$60 · 30 minutes

Customized Yoni Steam

Custom herbs that will help with issues you are having with my vagina.

$45 · 30 minutes

Customized Yoni Steam For 2

Bring you and a guest and get a customized steam for both.

$80 · 30 minutes

Strip Lashes

2 Options

Cluster Lashes

$25 · 30 minutes

Lash Extensions

Lash extensions are a cosmetic application used to enhance the length, curl, fullness, and thickness of natural eyelashes.

3 Options

Paraffin Wax Hands

A paraffin treatment creates a sort of barrier on your skin that helps retain the oils that your body naturally produces. A wax bath can also aid in healing problems with the skin.

2 Options


Mattie Keyes