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Ionic Detox Foot Bath - Basic

The Ionic Detox Foot Bath is a half hour service which includes feet soaking in a combination of water and salt with an array adding an electrical element. The purpose of this is to help the body let go of toxins. About 10% of toxins are removed from the body during this process, and the water changes color based on the area of the body that requires the most support at that time. When the time is up on the foot bath, we review the color of the water and some quick ways to support whatever system(s) indicated the need for some TLC in the water. The entire appointment is about 35 minutes, to allow for time to review, set up and discuss.

36. $36 · 30 minutes

Mineral Foot Bath

Treat yourself to a half hour of pure bliss with our Mineral Foot Bath. The minerals we use help to fortify your body as well as promote better foot health.

27 $27 · 30 minutes


Hypnosis is the art of engaging your subconscious mind in the healing process. More common results of hypnosis include weight reduction, smoking cessation and stress management. Past life regression is also an option during a hypnosis session. This is a non-invasive way to improve health.

84 $84 · 45 minutes


Enjoy a 30 Minute Ionic Detoxing Foot Bath paired with a 45 Minute Foot Reflexology. This 5 pack must be used within 8 months or it reverts to cash value.

$420 · 1 hour 15 minutes

90 Minute Naturopathic Minded Consultation

This 90-Minute session includes a review of paperwork, goals, obstacles, previous diagnosis, current dietary intake, medications, supplements, etc. Could possibly also include mineral analysis, blood type testing, muscle response testing, etc. A plan will be created to address complaints.

99.00 $99 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral work involves a light touch of the body focusing on the area of the spine from the Cranium (skull) to the sacrum (sit bones). This therapy is complementary to both massage and chiropractic, while not being either. Benefits: improved fertility reduction of headaches/migraines better assimilation of nutrients and more

$84 · 1 hour

60-Minute Massage

Enjoy a 60 minute deep tissue, relaxation or therapeutic massage

75.00 $75 · 1 hour

90-Minute Therapeutic, Relaxation or Deep Tissue Massage

Enjoy a 90-Minute Massage

$90 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Reiki / Energy Work

Reiki and Light Healing Touch are similar to each other and are based on energy. We know our bodies have energy, down to the individual cells which carry Protons, Neutrons and Electrons. These each carry a charge: positive, neutral and negative. We also know that when the human body suffers a heart attack, and the heart stops pumping, the medical community apply a charge to the body to ‘shock’ the heart back into working. Reiki literally means: life force energy. Science has now discovered more than 20 electrical fields around the human body. During an energy work session, I act as the electrician of the body. I utilize hands on and hands off techniques to determine if the energy is ‘stuck’ or ‘jammed’ in any area, and why that may be. Benefits: We can assess the mental/emotional body right along with the physical body Promotion of relaxation Encourages balance Dis-ease comes about when there is a mis-alignment in the body

84.00 $84 · 1 hour

90 Minute (Other than massage)

Whichever service you prefer, you will receive 90 minutes of professional services.

99 $99 · 1 hour 30 minutes

ASMR (Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response)

ASMR is the feeling many people feel when they get the 'tingles', relaxation and brain orgasms. During this session, the facilitator could use a variety of tools (pre-determined) such as whispering, light touch with or without items, hair brushing, etc. There are as many tools to elicit ASMR sensations as there are colors visibile to our eye. A comprehensive questionnaire is completed prior to session to ensure the most relaxing and pleasurable experience.

99 $99 · 1 hour 30 minutes


Chromotherapy, also known as color therapy, is the premise that dis-ease in the body can be improved or mitigated using a variety of tools - color being one of them. In this session, you will relax on a massage table in a comfortable room and the colored light will be directed at the area indicated by your complaint. This is a non-invasive therapy with no contraindications.

20 $20 · 15 minutes

Cupping Massage - 60 Minutes

Cupping therapy included with massage can help the body release toxins, reduce cough, alleviate anxiety, reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, reduce stress, mitigate varicose and spider veins and stimulate the lymphatic system.

85 $85 · 1 hour

Cupping Massage - 90 Minute Massage

Cupping therapy included with massage can help the body release toxins, reduce cough, alleviate anxiety, reduce the appearance of scars and stretch marks, reduce stress, mitigate varicose and spider veins and stimulate the lymphatic system.

100 $100 · 1 hour 30 minutes


Reflexology is a type of therapy that involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet, hands, and/or ears. Every organ in the body has a reflex point on these areas of the body. This is different than a massage in that it is an assessment and therapy, meant to discover and clear imbalances whenever possible. Reflexology can help decrease stress, lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of chemotherapy, promote relaxation and circulatory health.

84. $84 · 1 hour

Whole Body Tune Up

Reflexology is a type of therapy that involves applying different amounts of pressure to the feet, hands, and/or ears. Every organ in the body has a reflex point on these areas of the body. This is different than a massage in that it is an assessment and therapy, meant to discover and clear imbalances whenever possible. Reflexology can help decrease stress, lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of chemotherapy, promote relaxation and circulatory health.

84 $84 · 1 hour

Emotional Clearing With Oils & Tuning Forks

Science has discovered that emotions are found imbeded into our DNA and then passed from generation to generation just like certain eye colors or other genetic factors. We can experience a variety of 'stuck' emotions from failure to rejection; guilt to abandonment; fear to loneliness and on and on. Traditional Chinese Medical practittioners relate specifis organs to emotions and newer studies relate the emotions to areas of our individual biofield. When we combine the amazing powers of esential oils with the frequency of tuning forks, we are better able to unlock, release and reset these 'stuck or stagnant' emotions. During each session, the client remains fully clothed on the massage table. A quick converation to identify the main points of known emotions allows the practitioner to better tailor the session. Each session will work on a variety of emotional points, with essential oils and tuning forks specific to those areas of emotional pain or imbalance. Often, these sessions encourage an emotional release - which is welcome. Ideally, the client will be able to take a few hours to a day after the session to continue to release, relax and purge unwelcome emotions.

84 $84 · 1 hour

Raindrop Therapy

Raindrop therapy is an aromatherapy session where a variety of essential oils are applied topically to specific areas of the body. Once these have been applied, a hot, wet towel is added for the client to 'marinate'. Aromatherapy sessions are used to help a variety of ailments: boost the immune response, relax muscles, reduce asthma symtpoms, increase respiration, balance energy, relaxation improvement, etc.

84 $84 · 1 hour

Gloria Jensenius

Gloria is a Natural Health Therapist who helps people bridge the gap between modern and traditional medicine.


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