Book an appointment

Full highlight

Full Highlight appointment covers the entire head including the back, top and sides of head. Includes a toner, wash and style.

$325 · 3 hours

Partial highlight

Highlight touch up on the top and sides of head. Includes a toner, wash and style.

$250 · 2 hours 30 minutes

Full Balayage

Lived-in blonding appointment for entire head including the back, top and sides. Techniques used to create dimensional color and a softer grow out. Includes a toner, wash and style.

$350 · 3 hours

Root Retouch + Gloss

One all-over color from scalp to ends, including a root retouch and a gloss. Includes wash, blowdry and style.

$240 · 2 hours 30 minutes

Gloss Application

Gloss/Toner application is a color refresh for your lightened hair, seals down the cuticle and enhances shine. Blowout is included with the service.

$70 · 1 hour

Root retouch + highlights

Grey coverage retouch on entire head, and partial highlights on the top and sides of head.

$310 · 3 hours

NBR Extension consultation

Free · 30 minutes

NBR Tightening: 1 Row

Extension tightening for 1 row of NBR

$225 · 2 hours 30 minutes

NBR Tightening: 2 Rows

Extension tightening for 2 rows of NBR

$325 · 3 hours 30 minutes

Partial Balayage

lived in blonding technique that covers the top and sides of head only. Includes a toner, wash and style.

$275 · 2 hours 30 minutes

Full Brazilian Blowout

By using breakthrough bonding technologies, these customizable smoothing treatments improve the condition of the hair by creating a protective protein layer around the hair shaft to eliminate frizz and smooth the cuticle. Frizz free hair up to 12 weeks!

$400 · 3 hours 30 minutes

Partial Brazilian Blowout

Smoothing treatment that lasts up to 12 weeks. Reduces frizz, seals the cuticle down to add shine and reduces blow dry time. A Partial includes the top section of the head and the hairline on the sides.

$275 · 2 hours 30 minutes


Brianna Burford