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Express Deluxe Package

(Please provide address you want the service done in Appointment Notes) -Exterior wash - vacuum interior - Wipe down of interior panels - Window clean with rain repellent spray - tire shine - clean door jambs - Spray wax - Bug and tar remover -

3 Options

Superior Full Detail

(Please provide the address you want the service done in Appointment Notes) -Everything included in Basic Wash package - Shampoo seats and floor mats/carpet - Clean and condition leather seats - Clay bar and decontamination - Wax full body of car -Trucks & large SUV’s start at $220 Mid size SUV’s start at $200

3 Options

Ultimate Premium Detail

(Please provide the address you want the service done in Appointment Notes) -Everything included in Full detail - Premium ceramic coating and sealant -Trucks and large SUV’s start at $360

3 Options

Interior Detail

Interior details start at $100 and go up depending on the condition of the interior

$120 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Exterior only

Exterior Wash with claybar Machine wax or polish Ceramic spray for additional protection Tire shine Rain X for exterior windows

3 Options


Tyrone Thomas