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Belly Cast

Our bodies go through so many changes throughout our lives. What better way to honor the seasons of your pregnancy by getting a cast as a forever reminder of what your body can do? As always I offer price adjustments for those who may need as well as embellishment options for your cast including floral arrangements, gold leaf, and lace.

Price Varies $250 ยท 50 minutes

New York Casting (Bed Stuy) 2023-2024

Welcome to /200's New York chapter. Each of these castings will come with a care package and a full chest cast. Contribute to the installation, take a cast home, or opt for embellished or silicone casts using the selections below. Not sure if you chose the right one? Send me a message and we'll be sure to get you exactly what you want. Need a pricing adjustment? No problem. I offer plenty of ways to make sure /200 is accessible to survivors everywhere. A portion of proceeds go towards survivors centers and support. Anyone 18+, survivors and supporters, or those wanting to see their bodies in a new light are welcome to sign up.

7 Options


Alice Waller