Book an appointment

Free Discovery Call

Please leave your phone number and any important notes you want me to have before our call. I will call you at the time you select. Please also mention where you heard about me. A referral from another practitioner, Google search, Psychology Today, or any other source. It's so helpful for me to know where you heard of me.

Free · 20 minutes

60 min session

All invoices are due before the start of our session. Please use to access my teletherapy room. There are no refunds for services rendered.

$150 · 1 hour

60 Minute Reiki Session

Included in the session: -intention setting and conversation -a tarot or oracle card pull and reading -crystal placements on or near your body -essential oils -hands-on Reiki -singing bowl concert -wrap up and closing conversation

$150 · 1 hour


Elise Kindya