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Nabhi Basti

Localized warm oil treatment. It treats digestion and poor absorption, and facilitates the release of deeply seated emotions. It relieves digestive symptoms such as irritable bowel, flatulence, poor appetite, constipation and abdominal discomfort. It is performed by filling a dam made out of dough and placed over the navel area with lukewarm medicated oil or ghee.

$90 · 45 minutes

Marma Therapy and Basti

Marma Therapy(healing energy practice) and localized warm oil treatment based on client's current imbalance.

$130 · 1 hour

Kati Basti with Marma Massage Of Back

Kati(lower back) Basti is a soothing treatment where a large quantity of warm oil is poured and retained on the lower back to relieve pain, stiffness and inflammation. The warmth and pressure of the oil allows deeper absorption into the muscles, tendons and ligaments, relaxing spasms and reducing pain. This treatment includes a marma massage of the back.

$110 · 50 minutes

Ayurvedic Personalized Healing Plan and Lifestyle Guidance

In this session current lifestyle will be reviewed in depth to understand main concerns, establish health goals and the biggest change you want to bring into your life. A comprehensive approach will be used to identify possible issues and areas of improvement on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Within one week of this appointment, you will receive a personalized plan. Your plan will include lifestyle guidance, self-care practices and/or recommendations for treatments aimed at correcting any imbalances and/or improving physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

$120 · 1 hour

Abhyanga - Warm Oil Massage with Kansa Foot Massage

During Abhyanga(Ayurvedic massage) the body will be gently massaged with a generous amount of warm oil infused with beneficial herbs. Abhyanga is also called "snehana” which means “to nurture or love”. The goal of Ayurvedic massage is the absorption of oil. Oil is deeply nourishing and soothes not only the skin but also the nervous system and provides support to the immune system. Abhyanga works on three levels: the physical level (relaxes the body, improves muscle elasticity, improves the flexibility of the spine and joints, stimulates blood and lymphatic circulation, nourishes, tones and firms the skin), on the psychic level (it removes stress, reconciles the mind, calms it, relaxes it) and on the spiritual level.

$130 · 1 hour

Virtual Consultation - Ayurvedic Personalized Healing Plan ~ Life and Wellness Guidance:

Virtual Consultations are available Wednesdays and Thursdays. In this session current lifestyle will be reviewed in depth to understand main concerns, establish health goals and the biggest change you want to bring into your life. A comprehensive approach will be used to identify possible issues and areas of improvement on a physical, mental, and emotional level. Within one week of this appointment, you will receive a personalized plan. Your plan will include lifestyle guidance, self-care practices and/or recommendations for treatments aimed at correcting any imbalances and/or improving physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.

$120 · 1 hour

Marma Therapy With Detoxifying Kansa Foot Massage

This full body Marma Therapy Treatment includes a Kansa Wand Foot Massage to help detoxify the body from excessive heat, inflammation and acidity along with the benefits of Marma Therapy.

$130 · 1 hour

Full Body Marma Therapy

According to Vedic wisdom, there are 72,000 channels of life force (Nadis) which flow into the physical body. These channels of life force animate and enliven the human body. The points at which prana exits the nadis and enters the physical body are known as marma points. When prana flows freely from the nadis into the marma points, there is health. If, however, the energy becomes stagnant or its flow is disrupted, health is impaired. Marma therapy works to clear stagnation in the vital energy points and thus increase vitality within the corresponding body parts. Marma therapy is non-invasive and its effects can be experienced immediately. Marma therapy is helpful in treating stress, anxiety, digestive issues, chronic pain, constipation, congestion, insomnia. Marma therapy enhances immunity; clears emotional blockages; increases energy level;provides pain relief; improves digestion; encourages deep sleep; increases circulation to the skin; releases deep seated emotions; strengthens internal organs; balances doshas(bioenergies);slows the aging process.

$120 · 1 hour

Marinella Asole

Marinella, a native of the island of Sardinia (Italy), is a Certified Ayurvedic Practitioner, Certified Pancha Karma Technician and has a Level I and II Reiki certification . Marinella graduated from the Center for Ayurveda after completing a two year intensive program. Her training also includes “Pancha Karma” certification at Maharani Academy, “ Ayurvedic Healing “, “Vedic Counseling”, and “ Yoga, Ayurveda, Mantra and Meditation Therapy” with Dr. David Frawley (American Institute of Vedic Studies), "Conscious cooking with Ayurveda " and "Pranayama - Breath Control for Balance and Longevity" with Dr. Vasant Lad ( Ayurvedic Institute , Albuquerque, New Mexico).