Book an appointment

Classic Cut

A full haircut with straight razor shave on the back of the neck and on the sideburns. Finishing up with a hot towel and aftershave cologne.

$60 · 35 minutes

Classic Cut + Shampoo

A full haircut with straight razor shave on the back of the neck and on the sideburns. Finishing up with a hot towel and aftershave cologne. Plus hair wash (shampoo and condition)

$70 · 40 minutes

Cleanup Cut

Not a full cut. Just cleaning up on the sides and back. Straight razor shave on both sideburns and the back of the neck. Finishing up with a hot towels and aftershave cologne.

$40 · 35 minutes

Buzz Cut

Even all around cut, hot towel and shape up with edger's

$40 · 35 minutes

Beard Trim

Includes shaping and trimming beard with edger's

$30 · 20 minutes

Head Shave with Straight Razor

Straight razor head shave, hot lather, hot towel and aftershave lotion.

$50 · 35 minutes

Junior Cut

It’s a full cut and hot towel.

$40 · 35 minutes


Daniel N


Karim S


Mike D


Nhat Tran


Quynh V