Book an appointment


Haircut with John. We provide extra time with our appointments so if you need extra work done when you get here, let us know.

$60 · 1 hour

New Client / Transformation Appointment

If you haven’t been to the shop before, or in more than two months (8 weeks) this appointment is for you!

$200 · 1 hour


Beardcut with John. We always have extra time available with our appointments if you need anything else done when you get here. Let us know!

$60 · 1 hour

Hair and Beard Appointment

Hair and Beard or Shave Appointment with John. Certain styles and requests may be accommodated for $90.

$120 · 1 hour

John Duvoisin

John Duvoisin has been a barber since 2002, good at it since 2004, and owned Liberty Barbershop since 2008. A proud founding member of The Milk District, active jiu jitsu practitioner and physical culture enthsiast, and all around cool dude, John also enjoys teaching seminars and classes on business and technical aspects of being a barber, helping and mentoring new and seasoned barbers around the world.