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Free · 1 hour

Teresa Pitt Green

Teresa co-founded Spirit Fire in 2017 with fellow survivor Luis A. Torres, Jr., to promote healing and reconciliation within the Church family, based on their unique Christian restorative justice paradigm. Spirit Fire provides trauma-informed support, services and projects to promote healing and reconciliation among individuals, families, parishes, and dioceses wounded by abuse. In 2015, Teresa co-founded The Healing Voices Magazine with Michael D. Hoffman and others to offer an online forum for sharing experience, faith and reflections among all who have been wounded by abuse in the Church. It's archive of 350+ articles are available to all for free. Co-authored with Lewis S. Fiorelli, OSFS, Teresa’s book, Veronica’s Veil: A Christ-Centered Guide for Spiritual Companionship for Adult Survivors of Sexual Abuse has become a mainstay in personal and pastoral spiritual healing for abuse survivors. Teresa also serves as lead for the Northern Virginia Human Trafficking Task Force.