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Website Design w/4 wk Analysis

Studying your business model and conversion practices, I will assess, create or restructure the flow of your website, from awareness to sale in order to maximize your conversion rates while setting up a long term strategy to support your business through your online presence and platform utilization.

Price includes Design Fee, Business Analysis w/ a Branded URL website (12 mo service) $1,599 · 30 minutes

Entrepreneur Branding Photoshoot

Onsite Photoshoot to highlight the best parts of your business. Package includes up to three outfit changes and stunning flat lay photos for creating scroll stopping social media feeds.

$125 · 1 hour

Virtual Assistant (Assistance)

Our Virtual Assistant service provides you with a highly efficient and professional assistant who can help you save time, manage tasks effectively, and increase your overall productivity. Book your appointment now and experience the convenience of having a dedicated assistant at your service.

Priced per Hour · 15 minutes

Business Coaching

Need someone to bounce ideas off of? We all need a personal friend that knows how to provide guidance, structure and a plan to bring your goals to fruition. If you find yourself with a whole lot of ideas but not a lot of know how, please reach out and schedule your complimentary consultation. We can determine if Artemis Media Marketing is the right fit for you!

$80 · 1 hour

Social Media Management

Social Media engagement is important and if you find you don't have the time to manage it all for your business, let Artemis Media Marketing manage it for you. Packages are customizeable for your business needs.

$200 · 2 hours 30 minutes

Marketing and Ad Management

Keeping your existing clients is proven to be more cost efficient than spending marketing dollars reaching new ones. This monthly package encompasses email marketing and ad management in order to build trust, dependability and comparison analysis to help drive the cost of your marketing ad spend down.

$200 · 2 hours 30 minutes

Your Branding Foundation

Private sessions that will start at the foundation of your business so we can build a house that will sustain your lifestyle. Private sessions can include photography so we can capture beautiful images that showcase who you are and what your brand is made of.

$125 · 1 hour

Introductory Consultation

Free · 15 minutes


Jessica Bernard