Book an appointment

In-person vegetation consultation

For property owners who would prefer to meet in person, we are offering limited availability for in-person vegetation consultations. We recommend this option for property owners who: 1) have not met with us before; or 2) have met with us before but have made changes to their property since the last meeting. We are requiring our employees to maintain physical distancing while working in the field. We encourage our customers to do the same when engaging with our employees. To read more about our safety guidelines, please visit

1 hour

Vegetation consultation (virtual online meeting)

PSE is meeting with property owners along the existing transmission line corridor to talk about property-specific design, landscaping, and tree replacement planning for the Energize Eastside project. We would like to meet with you to discuss these plans and get your feedback. This is your opportunity to share your thoughts on your property with PSE. This option will allow you to meet virtually with PSE to talk through a map of your property or a draft landscaping and tree replacement plan. We recommend this option if you have met with us previously and have several comments to share with our team. Requirements: Internet connection, web browser (such as Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome)

1 hour

Energize Eastside Project Team